The elections of November 28, 2011 and their socio-political and economic consequences

Moïse Kalenga Tshiananga

  1. Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Mbujimayi

  Open Access - Under a Creative Commons license


The presidential and legislative elections organized in the Democratic Republic of Congo on November 28, 2011, were the subject of much criticism and protests throughout the world. This is why, with the aim of trying to seek light on this subject, we have resolved to write an article focused on "the elections of November 28, 2011 and their socio-political and economic consequences", in with a view to scrutinizing this questioned electoral process.

After study and in view of the reports of various electoral observation missions deployed for this purpose, it revealed that the elections of November 28, 2011 had not been credible, they were marred by many irregularities and fraud. This undermined the legitimacy of the institutions resulting from these, with the corollaries of political unrest, the resurgence of the war in the east of the country, the massive displacement of populations, the decline in economic activity due to the distrust of economic operators.

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